Remind you of any Clarksburg Council Member?

Excerpts from this WSJ Article

Fifty-four years ago today, Sen. Joseph McCarthy started his televised hearings on alleged Soviet spies and communists in the Army. The spectacle grabbed the country’s attention for the next two months.

By the end of the McCarthy hearings, the senator’s career was over; before an audience that often numbered 20 million Americans, he came across as bullying and unscrupulous.

…”The problem was that McCarthy lied about his information and figures,” “He made charges against people that weren’t true. McCarthyism harmed the counterintelligence effort against the Soviet threat because of the revulsion it caused.”

The Army-McCarthy hearings followed a pattern, notes Donald A. Ritchie, associate historian of the Senate. Typically, McCarthy held hearings in executive session first, “like a dress rehearsal,” says Mr. Ritchie, who studied the transcripts of the hearings. Mostly McCarthy didn’t have any hard evidence against the people he was interrogating; he just hoped to get them to contradict themselves or to take the Fifth Amendment, or to confess.

“He interviewed about 500 people in closed session,” Mr. Ritchie told me. “He called about 300 people to public session.”

“After they’d testified in closed session, he’d go out in the hall, and he’d tell the waiting press what had just happened,” Mr. Ritchie says. “We looked at both the New York Times’s and the Chicago Tribune’s accounts and then we compared that to what actually went on inside the hearings. What he told the press grossly exaggerated what took place.”

33 Responses

  1. Boy, does that sound like Martin Shaffer, how about it voters who put this Joseph McCarthy want a be into office!!! Hats off to the person who found the above article!!!

  2. He’s an idiot.

    How do we impeach him?

  3. Is there someone out there that knows if this can be done, let’s get some input!!!

  4. Write a letter to the Mayor…. he is the one they elected to show leadership among the council members. Maybe if enough people write to him he will notice that he doesn’t have control of what is going on with one rogue council member.

  5. I am amazed at the level of ignorance that exists in Harrison County in general and Clarksburg in particular. In a free society, any member of the public can request information from the federal, state and local government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). To label Mr. Shaffer as a ‘rogue council member’ or a ‘Joseph McCarthy’ or an idiot is beyond ignorant. There is no wrongdoing associated with a FOIA request. FOIA requests are a legal means to obtain information from any government agency.
    After the last 8 years of federal government secrecy, covert scheming and outright lying to the American people you would think that government would be more than willing to provide information in a timely manner.
    City officials should be able to operate an open government where FOIA requests are not necessary. When information is denied, destroyed, or delayed by continual stonewlling it gives the impression that the government is hiding something. City officials would do well to avoid the appearance of wrongdoing whenever possible.

  6. Now I would agree with the WV Voice of Reason, but you probably should look at the whole picture not just what you hear. A couple of weeks ago the local paper had an article about how many emails the City Manager Recieves from Mr. Shaffer. These emails were not of such as Dr. Frieble’s, in which were copies, but these emails were all requests for information. The public is entitled to information, but at what expense to our citizens and city. Which FOIA requests wasn’t complied to would be my question? From my understanding of FOIA’s is that as long as they (Gov’t) respond to your request within 5 days and then tell you what action they are taking to comply and then tell you when the information will be available then they are in compliance. I always thought council was to enact policy not to investigate past wrong doings of other council members. I’m sure Mr. Shaffer would think that some of his requests are for not moving the city forward, as he is very paranoid that the city is out to get him and his family. What has he brought to the table within his first year? He seems to be trying to take credit for things they started prior to his arrival as though he was the savior. He is really unbelievable, well just another politician trying to spin things his way. Seems as though he too, like Mike Queen, has Rueben Perdue in his pocket…. Rueben doesn’t do any type of research on the subject prior to going onto the air.

  7. Since when is transparency in government become something associated with McCarthy? Any citizen in this country has the RIGHT to ask for information about what our government is doing. Fascist governments operate in secrecy from its citizens.

  8. I think the more that Mr Shaffer digs, digs, and digs up the past for Clarksburg that he might find some wrong doing on his own brother Jim Shaffer who was our mayor at one time, and our councilmen for our city, so Martin Shaffer keep on digging and I really think your family will be very proud of you one day, especially your brother Jim. One more point, the city is not out to get Martin Shaffer I think the citizens of Clarksburg would like you to step down so that the city can move forward, Martin Shaffer the past is the past let it die, I am sure brother Jim would want the same!!!!!!!

  9. i agree with Rick Rude, how do we oust him?

  10. What a bunch of sheep. Don’t you boneheads realize the current members ( with the exception of Martin Shaffer, and one or two more) Are leading this town to slaughter? The only thing martin is trying to do is protect the rights and money of the tax paying citizens of Clarksburg. It’s called the “Freedom of Information Act”, and anyone who postpones, diverts, or in any other manner to withhold public information are the criminals, and should be looked upon with the utmost of suspicion. This current administration has set the course for Clarksburg’s demise, and it’s high time someone cared more about this town than they do about filling their own pockets. Wake up people! or you’ll find yourselves in the same surroundings as the people of salem and West union. A dead town without a place to be buried. Unless, of course you think we need another $5 million dollar parking garage to serve as a flop house for our chemically impaired.

  11. United we stand, what are you smoking these days, Martin Shaffer is on a witch hunt for all the people on Council, he may even bring up his brother Jim’s past, he should think twice. You think Martin Shaffer is trying to save money for the people of Clarksburg, United we Stand, it cost Mr Howe time and money to look up things that happen in the past for Mr Shaffer, it cost Mr Howe’s staff money and time to look up the past for Martin Shaffer, that is the past , it is time that Mr Shaffer quit crying like a baby because he is not getting his way like he has done in the past. You know I voted for Martin Shaffer and I would like to say if he ever runs again I will fight to keep him off of council, and I do not like him spending my tax money and the money of ever citizen of Clarksburg for something that happen years ago. Unted we stand, Mr Shaffer does not care for the citizens of Clarksburg, and he does not care to move forward, it is all about his ego. One more thing, when is Martin Shaffer going to start working on that so called Masion that he has, it is time for the city of Clarksburg to act, to either have him bring it up to standards or tear it down, it is an eye sore for the nieghborhood and for the Clarksburg area. One more thing United we Stand, that parking facility is a hell alot better than the pool room trash that Martin Shaffer had there, now put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  12. Not only is Shaffer being disruptive and wasteful of our city’s time and money, he is most likely doing this out of vengeance towards the current council. After Shaffer’s unsuccessful bid for the city managers job and his previous suit with the city… he now believes he’s Eliot Ness. This Shaffer does not care for our city of Clarksburg or the citizens. The paper should report on how Shaffer is an obstructionist of the city’s code office, and how he defends his friends properties from condemnation.
    It seems to me this is Shaffer’s tactic to wear down an administration, and the administration is standing up and saying we take orders from council as a body… not an individual. Council sets policy and the administration implements policy. If this is about FOIA, then by all means Shaffer, go through the same process that the rest of the citizens go through when requesting government information. However, don’t confuse micro managing with requests of information. This is petty stuff, you are a detriment to our city and you will never get my vote again either.

  13. There are several good plans in the offing for downtown Clarksburg. That is the good news. The bad news is that they are all separate. Plans are on the table NOW that will spark growth for downtown.

    These plans are good ones. Ironically, plans from rival factions would dovetail nicely. Of course, City Hall is interested in moving forward , but has been compromised.

    What’s bad is that the factions are currently all working against each other. But if just one plan manages to eke out approval, or buy-in, or whatever it takes, it would move everybody forward like you wouldn’t believe.

    The e-mail wars, the historical battles: okay stop it! It is counterproductive. This stuff does not accomplish anything. It does not vindicate anybody’s points. It does not validate anybody’s dead ancestor’s grievances or hopes. Stop it.

    How about this: The City Manager should convene a meeting of all downtown property owners once a month. Everyone at the table. Everyone sharing ideas and dreams, eating frittis and drinking lattes. Let the right hand know what the left hand is doing. That left hand might just have some concept that will benefit your own.

    This is not my own idea. I have a friend who owns a lot of property in another City. He organized such a meeting. I went to it and saw for myself. The City Manager was there. He shows up like a religion. City business property owners are invited and they always show up too. My friend said that at first it was kind of well, uncomfortable. But as the meetings, the times and settings set in granite, and free breakfasts besides, wore on, the business people loosened up, they got to know each other, there were actually friendships formed where there was no prior possibility of that happening, and the City moved forward because of the relationships that were formed. Everybody ended up looking forward to these meetings because not only were they productive, but they were enjoyable, and things got accomplished (free breakfast didn’t hurt anything, either). The old “yer either fer me or agin’ me” was put to rest, and it became, “I get by with a little help from my friends….” Thanks, John.

    If somebody puts together a dynamite plan, and it succeeds and he makes money from it: THIS IS A GOOD THING. Don’t begrudge him the fact that he is making money. His success will make you money too. This helps YOU. Success is contagious.

    Clarksburg. What a proud and handsome place. You need us now like never before. We want to be there for you like you have been there for all of us.

    Somebody out there do something, dammit.

  14. United we Stand,

    you must be kidding. There is no way to justify this guy’s actions. He is burning taxpayers money at every step.
    He needs booted. Bottom line.

    He is out for himself, and his buddies.
    It is that mentality that Clarksburg can do without.

  15. To: He takes the cake…. You hit the nail on the head!! Martin Shaffer is still a puppet and always will be, this is why he is doing what he is doing, because his stings are being pulled by the 2 people who put him into office, wake up Clarksburg can you not see who is pulling Martin Shaffer’s strings!!!!!

  16. What a sad tragedy that no one can question the Clarksburg city government. How dare Martin Shaffer ask to see information that is a matter of public record available to EVERY citizen! Kind of sounds like what happens when someone tries to question the Bush administration. Clarksburg citizens need to take a class in government so they can learn about their Constitutional rights. It’s too bad ignorance isn’t painful.

  17. questioning is one thing;

    suing, is another.

    what shafer has been doing is far beyond questioning. he is wasting taxpayer money every time the city attorney has to spend a minute with his dumb ass lawsuit. he is wasting taxpayer money because of city officials spending time on his frivilous pursuits.

    I don’t work in the city, so I don’t know how much he does, but I’d love to know.
    I’d like to know if he ever goes past the city manager and calls department heads within the city?
    I’d like to know if he ever has contact with city employees, requesting his info?
    That would answer our micro-management questions, and give us reason to find a way to BOOT HIM.

    where’s the TELESHAM on these questions?

  18. There is an investigation in process. and yes it is at a level where guilty people go to jail. I feel sure everyone will be surprised at council is doing and who is doing it, In the other words, the puppets as well as the puppeteers had better get their affairs in order.

  19. Here we go again….. why does Mr. Shaffer like to always be on the “other side”… he just voted against the city paying off the rest of the debt with the Eastpoint developer and bringing in something like $1 million dollars a year to the city in revenue. I guess he likes to pay our tax dollars to Wal Mart. So who’s side is he on?

  20. The people of Clarksburg has to wake up, I think he is a mole for his 2 backers, it is getting embarrassing that he would do such a think, Mr Shaffer has some really has some problems. I think it is time for the mayor to step in and see what his problems stem from, you know he has had a brain tumor in the past, is it coming back, I really hope not but one never knows!!

  21. It seems very strange to me that anyone would have to SUE the city in order to receive information that is a matter of public record. The information should have been forthcoming when it was requested. A lawsuit should not have been necessary.

  22. how many people in the past 3-4 years have ever had an issue with obtaining info??


    Just one?

    Then maybe the problem lies with the one

  23. To wv voice of reason: If it is a matter of public record why doesn’t the said person get it himself, why waste my tax dollar and you know what he is wasting your money too, that is if you are paying taxes!!!! I guess he needs a shoulder to cry on and you are falling for it!!!!

  24. Again, away for a few months and the same old crud! Harrision County, I think it a stretch to compare Shaffer to McCarthy. When last I read the esteemed Exponent – Telegram, there was an article about the number of emails that Martin had sent Martin Howe. So, what is the big deal? How is a council member supposed to get information? Any council member should be able to request information and GET IT in a TIMELY MANNER from the City Manger’s office. What is wrong with that? If the information is not provided, what is the council members recourse? FOI or what? Please advise.

    What has Shaffer done that is illegal and cost the tax payer money? Since Martin Howe is a salaried employee, he is then expected to do what it takes to get his job done. If that means that he has to work more than 40 hours a week, then so be it. That is the trade off to get a salaried position.

    If cost is truly an issue, then the city could bring on interns to do the research and copying at a significant savings to the budget. Why doesn’t the city work with WVU’s MPA program and create a co-op or internship that will give the student credit and a small stipend for their work? There are numerous ways that the cost of Martin’s request can be minimized. Heck, having interns may also prove beneficial to other departments within City Hall.

    I am also perplexed as to why this information is not easily accessible to the City Manager or others? Technology allows us to store millions of pieces of information for years. All files should be backed up, stored on a disc and cataloged. At the minumum, all records should have been placed in microfilm and cataloged for easy access.

    I hope that you can provide me with some insight as to why you made the comparison and some facts as to what Martin Shaffer is doing that is illegal, wasting tax dollars or against the public interest.


  25. Concerned Citizen,

    Your reply to WV Voice of Reason is somewhat simplistic and indicates that you are not posting from a postion of knowledge. If getting the information was as simple as walking into City Hall and sitting down at a computer, then I think that would have been the path that Martin Shaffer would have taken. However, due to various rules and regulations, that is not the proccess. For obvious reasons, there has to be a proceedure that protects and safeguards city information from misuse and damage. I believe that Martin Shaffer is abiding by these proceedures.

    So, with you vast knowledge of how the system works, please tell me what acts that Martin Shaffer has done to warrent recalling him from office?

    Concerned, all that you do is sling mud and offer no other insight as to your reasoning. May I suggest that you take a look at several of the posts on this thread and see how “intellegent” people present thier arguments. Honer Ave. did a great job at presenting his arguments without slinging mud.

    Anonymous, your post on 4 May is spot on. Many great ideas for downtown development. And there is a group of downtown business/property owners that have been meeting over the past two years concerning several of these projects. It is time for all of them to put the past behind and act on these plans. This also includes Clarksburg City Council who have helped create the animosity between the so-called “factions”. WE ARE ALL TO BLAME AND WE ARE ALL THE SOLUTION!

  26. I don’t know if Martin Shaffer is abiding by the proceedures to gain public information {FOIA}. I do believe he is not following procedure when it comes to bidding demoliton projects. Shaffer, as a council member, should not be involved with the bid process. He should not be at pre bid meetings on be half of his son in law’s company, or lobbying for that same company at bid openings. Should this act, be the act that warrents his removal from office? I don’t know. But what I do know is that many are not happy with his actions and comments on the raido and in the news paper. He’s is giving us a black eye, and for what? All of this is conjecture, we must wait until {gulp} the summer of 2011 before the people can have a voice in this matter.

  27. What!!! Mr. Shaffer has a son in law that is involved in the demolition program. What!!! Mr. Shaffer’s brother has some of the worst property in town.(Check out First Street and Milford Street) What!!! Mr. Shaffer has a house on Main Street that is a wreck. What!!! Mr. Shaffer didn’t get the job of City Manager and now he has no idea how the city operates. What!!! Mr. Shaffer is the mouthpiece for a slumlord. What!!! Mr. Shaffer sold his property on Pike Street for the new parking garage and still leaves his property on Main Street a mess.

    Leave him alone!! He is on a mission to uncover corruption and incompetence. This is his cover. Learn how the criminal thinks. Don’t you watch television.

    He’ll get to the bottom of this. Just give him time.

  28. To Patrick Folio: please one does not have to say much to see how and you Martin Shaffer is working for and you should know this, he is wasting my tax money and your tax money for all the hours that the City Manager has to have his employees do to get infomation for Martin Shaffer, like one said, if the City goes back to far to dig up information, Martin Shaffer may not like or should I say his brother may not like what is found, so Patrick you keep on supporting your boy Martin Shaffer , he may just dig up something you might not like either!!!!

  29. Concerned,

    Ok, you are “concerned” that Martin is wasting tax dollars. Can you please provide me with some numbers, from the CIty Finance Director, that supports your premise? As I said in an earlier post, city records should be readily available and not require such a monumental effort to produce. THAT IS THE TRUE ARGUMENT HERE.

    As for digging up information that we all may not like, so be it, that is part of lving in a free society. Remember that the sword cuts both ways.

    Concerned, you have your opinion and I can respect that, however, when you and others constantly lay blame for the ills of the CIty and the follies of Council on others, I wish that you would do so with some integrity and truth. The problems of the City of Clarksburg are much bigger than Martin Shaffer’s frequent requests for information. When WE ALL realize this, then maybe, just maybe, some progress will be made.



  30. There is no argument that city records should be readily available. City records are available at the public’s request. Anyone else have trouble obtaining information? Anyone?

    The argument that I would make is that Shaffer is not requesting information here and there [through FOIA] to gain a perspective on how to set policy to better our city. Shaffer is using his position as a council person to micro manage the administration and to play “gotcha” with a few of the other council members who have been on council for 6 years or more. It would be one thing if the city [or council] was overtly hiding something. However, everyone one knows how a few factions in our city cause many of the issues that have to be addressed instead of being proactive towards building a community.

  31. To Patrick Folio: the ills, I have never read or I have never heard any other council member now or in the past and I am sure your father will agree to this that one council member causes the city to almost come to a stand still because he (Matin Shaffer) has a law suit against the city and our City Manager, do you really think he is doing a good to our City, do you think he is holding up progress, do you think he want to move forward, I would have to agree with Johhny B. about micro manage the admin and to play “gotcha” with a few of the other council members, you know that and I know that, so if you want to defend Martin Shaffer then that is your right but do one thing ask your father if Martin Shaffer is doing the right thing, you know I voted for Martin but he has really been a big disapointment to me , it seems he is always trying to dig up the past and he is really not doing a damn thing about the future of Clarksburg, Patrick, really can you not see that, if not , sorry, and will not say no more, have a great day!!!!

  32. I just heard that Council passed the cleaning up of the Oak Hall property 5-1 with Martin Shaffer voting no. Now as I see this how could he vote any other way after having his house, along with 2 of his brothers on a city demolition list. Is this guy really trying to clean-up the city for development or is he just making us go backwards?

  33. When will the people of Clarksburg wake up, Martin Shaffer is a puppet to the Folio’s and the Gene Pappa’s of our fair city, what gives any of those families the right to dodge the laws of our City, if these were my properties I would have been in big trouble and probably sued, wake up Clarksburg, we need to have our council do something about a few of our property owner, they need to abide by the law or pay up. Council can do so much, it is up to us, the citizens of Clarksburg to speak out, it seems that Dennis Mazza did, thanks to him, so lets stand behind Dennis and speak up for Clarksbutrg!!!

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